Minggu, 30 September 2012

Ayumi hamasaki no tanjoubi ^0^

hari ini nissy ulang tahun, dan Sekitar 2 hari lagi ayumi hamasaki juga ulang tahun!! otanjoubi omedetou AYU chan :3 semoga sukses selalu di perindustrian musik ^0^ ohiya ayumi hamasaki itu penyanyi yang gue suka dr SD loh :3 itu berawal dari animonster dan gue pikir lagunya biasa-biasa aja. nah pas gue iseng dengerin lagunya ternyata... melodic sekali! suaranya juga kawaii. dia juga suka ke bali, tp kenapa gak pernah ke jakarta ya =A= dia tadinya udah nikah sama model dari austria *gue lupa namanya* terus gak lama mereka cerai karena ada masalah . tapi walau begitu, ayu bilang kalo dia gak menyesal. oke kita ganti topik. dibalik kesuksesannya yang sekarang, ternyata perjalanannya panjang loh! jangan pikir kalo dia cuma nyanyi terus jd penyanyi terkenal =A= sesuatu itu butuh perjuangan. 

Despite her child-like persona, you can't help but sense Hamasaki was never truly a child. Born in Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu, she was just a toddler when her father walked out. "I don't even know if he's dead or alive," she says. Raised by a single mother and a grandmother, she began modeling locally at seven, in part to earn money for the family. It was an unusual and lonely childhood in this country of steadfastly nuclear families, but Hamasaki says she wasn't aware of what she was missing. "I thought mommy's life was strange, not mine," she says. "I didn't understand my loneliness until I moved to Tokyo." Hamasaki made that move at 14 to pursue an acting and modeling career. Old magazine spreads feature the sweetly smiling young starlet clad in bathing suits or prim outfits that would never make it to her own wardrobe. After bit parts in five low-budget movies and a handful of TV dramas, she tired of acting and, with her tiny frame, did not have a future in modeling. Canned by her talent agency and dropping out of school in the 10th grade, Hamasaki frittered away her days shopping at trendy shibuya boutiques and her nights dancing at the massive Velfarre nightclub in Roppongi. 

Then a friend who worked at the club, owned by the record label Avex, invited her out for a night of karaoke that forever changed her life. The friend had also invited Masato ("Max") Matsuura, who introduced himself to Hamasaki as a producer. "I'd never heard of Avex," Hamasaki recalls, laughing. "When he asked if I wanted to pursue a singing career, I said, 'No way.' He was this older guy, and I thought the whole thing sounded fishy." Over the following year, though, Matsuura persisted. Finally she relented to his request that she at last attend vocal training, only because "I had nothing better to do." But the classes were dull and the teachers harsh. "I felt like I'd gone back to school," she says. "If there are rules and regulations, I can't help it, I want to break them." 

Finally she confessed to Matsuura that she'd skipped most of the classes. But instead of writing her off, he proposed sending her to New York for some real training. "I thought he was kidding," she says. "I mean, I was 17." Reluctantly she went, staying in a midtown hotel for three months, taking singing classes a few blocks away. "New York was a relief-not all hierarchical and rule-bound," she says. When Hamasaki returned to Japan, Matsuura proposed another challenge. Because she has trouble voicing her thoughts, Hamasaki had over that year corresponded with Matsuura through letters, which must have echoed of simple yet poignant lyrics. "He read them and said, 'Why don't you try writing songs?'" The idea that she could express herself in song imbued her with a new sense of direction. "No one had ever asked anything of me before, or expected anything of me," she says of Matsuura, whom Hamasaki and everyone at Avex calls by his title, senmu, or managing director. "Part of me was flattered; part of me was terrified but didn't want to admit I couldn't do it. Plenty of people had patted my head and said, 'Aren't you cute.' Senmu gets mad, but when he praises me, I know I've won it. He's the one who found me and drew me out." He stuck by her, too, when superstardom didn't occur overnight. Her first two singles in 1998 stopped at No. 20 on the charts; her next four barely broke the Top 10. Then Love~destiny~ busted into the No. 1 slot in April 1999, and every one of her singles have hit the top ever three since. The responsibilities that came with her ascension as a recording star were a fair trade-off for the joyous release of writing. "The 'Hi, this is Ayu' person on TV," she says, slipping for a moment into her alter ego's nasal, anime-character voice, "is the person I know they want to see. I understand it's my role to realize people's dreams. I'm O.K. with that so long as my songs are my own. No one can take my song away from me." 

ternyata kehidupan masa lalunya gak biasa ya. keren! ayu chan, pokoknya gue salut sama kamuuu >3< 

source: http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Ayumi-Hamasaki-Biography/84C2CFC05BD3ED5D48256DF80028A085

Vocaloid Kawaii Cursor Download

Vocaloid cursor:
- Gakupo
- Kaito
- Miku
- Gumi
- Iroha
- Rin
- Piko
- Etc...

Download http://www.mediafire.com/?5it3jvtb4cwj6k5

source: honesty, i forgot the source. *___* gomeeen

Electric Guitar di the sims 3 [tanpa download!!]

ngerasa bosen gak sih sama solfanux guitar? kali ini lo bisa dapet gitar listrik tanpa cheat!


buka cheatbox ( Ctrl+Shift+C) code: "testingcheatsenabled true"
udah dibuka belom? kalo udah, ketik "testingcheatsenabled true" nah code cheat itu multifungsi. bisa buat ngetes cheat, buat sims lo punya kerjaan apa aja, bisa dapet temen, kenal semua orang di kota sim lo, bisajuga make all happy. caranya klik kiri sambil pencet shift di kotak pos rumah sim lo, terus disitu udah ada pilihannya. kita juga bisa teleport atau ngedit tempat selain rumah kita tanpa buka edit town. caranya klik kiri sambil pencet shift ke rumah yg dituju. terus disitu ada pilihannya deh. tapi setelah kita close the simsnya cheatnya ilang. jadi, lo harus ngecheat kayak tadi. eh kok jadi OOT gini ya? -_- oke oke, perjalanan bukan sampai disini.

buka cheatbox ( Ctrl+Shift+C) code: "buydebug"
nah ini puncaknya! habis lo ngecheat ini, buka buymode terus disitu ada lambang tanda tanya. nah lo klik kiri ya! terus disitu banyak item yang belom lo punya. habis itu klik lambang 3 lingkaran terus cari deh gitarnya. pasti ada kok ehehe

ini gitar yang ada di cheat
[READ] ohiya, gitar ini bisa lo beli kalo the sims lo itu late night ya. kalo enggak ada late night gitarnya kaga bakal ada. terus juga cheatnya hanya berlaku 1 kali pemakaian the sims. jadi, setiap lo buka the sims 3 harus  ngecheat yg ada 2 tadi. 

sebenernya gue ngeliat dari video ini. nah dan itu berhasil! kita harus berterima kasih sama owner video ini <3


Kadang, kita pengen ngadain photoshoot dan modelnya sims kita sendiri. tapi pasti ribet karena simsnya susah di atur. 

nah kali ini gue punya solusinya! kita pake poseplayer. contohnyaa

gimana gimana? keren kaaan? itu tuh kayak sejenis item yg bisa buat sims kita berpose keren loh! mau tau caranya? ikutin langkah ini ya

Download PosePlayer
waktu itu gue search di google dulu. terus cari web yang nyediain poseplayer. biar gak ribet, ini deh linknya http://www.modthesims.info/d/438706

 Jangan lupa extract file rarnya terus copy di file package
gak tau file package? oke gue kasih tau. buka document > electronic arts > the sims 3 > Mods. nah copy    deh disitu

Download Pose yang diinginkan
kalo kita gak download ini, pasti gak ada poselistnya. biar mempersingkat waktu, ini gue kasih link yang posenya lumayan banyak http://traelia.blogspot.com/p/poses.html setelah itu extract file rarnya terus copy ke folder yang sama dengan poseplayernya tadi

[PENTING!] download file resource
tanpa file resource pasti semuanya sia-sia. ini linknya http://www.4shared.com/rar/_c_WU_N3/Resourcecfg.html habis itu extract dan taroh filenya di folder yang sama kayak poseplayer dan pose yang di download tadi

Buka the sims 3
buka the sims 3 terus buka buymode. nah kan disitu ada 4 kolom di sebelah kiri. pilih kolom 2. dan pilih tombol yg ada vas bunga-nya. nah ada tuh disitu

Sekarang poseplayer sudah siap pakai dan sim lo bisa berpose ria! enjoy! :)


HYDE has announced his new Halloween project entitled "HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA",  They shall be releasing their new maxi single "HALLOWEEN PARTY" in two types on October 17th.

 The limited edition shall contain the CD+DVD+Booklet, the regular edition will include the CD+DVD. The DVD shall include the "HALLOWEEN PARTY" PV.

[Participating Artists]

HYDE (VAMPS, L'Arc~en~Ciel)
Acid Black Cherry
Tommy february6 / Tommy heavenly6
逹瑯 (MUCC)
明希 (シド)

Kamis, 20 September 2012


List J-songs rekomendasi yang bikin kamu galau :
1.) GACKT-The last song
2.) GACKT-kono daremo inai heya de
3.) GACKT-setsugekka
4.) GACKT(piano solo)- Regret
5.) X japan- Tears
6.) X japan- Longing ~ togireta melody
7.) X japan- Say anything
8.) X japan- Unfinnished
9.) X japan- Endless rain
10.) X japan- Forever love
11.) Ayumi Hamasaki- Ballad
12.) Ayumi hamasaki- moments
13.) Ayumi hamasaki- Dearest
14.) Ayumi hamasaki- Together when...
15.) Ayumi hamasaki- Virgin road
16.) Ayumi hamasaki- Beloved
17.) Kumi koda- Stay with me
18.) The GazettE- Calm envy
19.) The GazettE- pledge
20.) An Cafe- Alone
21.) Versailles- Serenade
22.) Laruku- Anata
23.) Laruku- Mirai sekai
24.) Hyde- Evergreen
25.) Nightmare- Mahora
26.) Nightmare- Hoshi negai wo
27.) Nightmare- Ochiwa
28.) Nightmare- Jashin to bara
29.) Nightmare- Jibun no hana
30.) Nightmare- Love addict
31.) Alan- Megumi no ame
32.) Alan- Ballad ~ koi no uta
33.) Alan- Hitotsu
34.) Alan- Red cliff
35.) Alan- Daybreak
36.) AAA- aitai riyuu
37.) AAA- Wishes
38.) AAA- Hanabi
39.) AAA- Find you
40.) Kiroro- Miraie
41.) Kiroro- Sayounara daisuki na hito
42.) Kiroro- Best friend
43.) Kiroro- Aitai
44.) Utada hikaru- Crying like a child
45.) Utada hikaru- Come back to me
46.) Yoshiki ( Piano solo)- Sadame piano
47.) Aqua timez- Alones
48.) Aqua timez- Sen no yoru wo koete
49.) Aqua timez- Chiisana tenohira
50.) Aqua timez- Itsumo issho
51.) Aqua timez- ketsui no asa ni
52.) Sendai kamotsu- Akai senpuu no ballad
53.) Yui- Goodbye days
54.) Yui- to mother
55.) Tsukiko amano- Howling
56.) Rie fu- Life is like a boat
57.) Kanon wakeshima- Still doll
58.) Namie amuro- Tempest
59.) Gackt- Tsuki no uta
60.) Ayumi hamasaki- blossom
61.) Ayumi hamasaki- Sweet seasons

mungkin segitu dulu. maaf kalo ada salah judul atau ada lagu yang menurut kamu gak bikin galau karena semua orang punya selera yg beda dan juga Karena kesempurnaan hanya ada pada yang kuasa ehehe ^w^ :) 

jadi bagi kamu yang bisa nambahin, silahkan comment.  :D